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Tiny Feet

Pea Shoot Perinatal

Doula Services

About Pea Shoot Perinatal

Hello, wonderful community! My name is Synelle, and I am thrilled to share my passion for birth and the early stages of newborn care with you through Pea Shoot Perinatal. 

From a young age, I've been captivated by the beginning stages of life and the incredible journey that accompanies bringing a new life into the world. This is why I went on to get a degree in early childhood development and family studies. However, it was after giving birth that I was called to birthwork in a profound way. During my pregnancy journey, I truly understood the importance of holistic support. As I embarked on this transformative chapter, I sought the guidance of a doula. Their unwavering support eased my worries and anxiety, reminded me of my inherent strength and power during labor, and nurtured me through the precious fourth trimester, also known as postpartum. 

Through this experience, I recognized a gap in the system - the birthing person often gets overlooked amidst the flurry of attention directed towards the newborn. So, Pea Shoot was born with a mission to shift this narrative. My goal is simple yet profound: to nurture, uplift, and empower birthing people so they can confidently care for their new family in a way that aligns with their unique needs and preferences. 

Just as pea shoots symbolize new growth and new life, my services are rooted in the belief that every birth deserves to be celebrated and supported with compassion and understanding. I can't wait to embark on this journey with you of growth, empowerment, and love. 

Brother's Kiss

Birth Support

As a doula, I specialize in providing birthing support that is tailored to your unique pregnancy and delivery experience. I am an expert in childbirth and will act as your medical advocate throughout the entire process. I am dedicated to empowering you with comprehensive and evidence-based resources to help you feel confident and prepared every step of the way.

Postpartum Care

I offer postpartum support that honors and empowers this new family. I provide client-led care to nurture you, thus helping you enjoy these precious moments as a new family. I work towards helping you reset and rest by taking some of the work off your shoulders. I am committed to providing the best care in this special and delicate time.

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